Monday, March 26, 2007

See me, Feel me, Touch me, Heal me


Aquela música me faz ver a sua voz.

E ai, eu morro de saudade ressucitada...


"Well I'll tell you a story of whiskey and mystics and men..."


Anonymous said...

Que fofo... :D

Quem te viu e quem te vê, né Talita?!

Fico muito feliz por ti, sério!

LOVE is beautiful!

Beijos :)

Anonymous said...

Saudade ressucitada às vezes é tão ruim.

Mari Marcondes said...

Fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo fofo.
E mais um pouco.

Anonymous said...

After knew about whiskey and about man, soon will be time to knew about "A" mistery and "A" man.

"Rise and shine, cause the right woman at the wrong place can make all the difference in the world"

Fútil-Utilidades said...


after that, no comments.