Friday, January 20, 2006


Há alguns meses criei isso aqui. Depois de inúmeros posts apagados decidi começar com música. É um clichê, eu sei, mas clichês são clichês por que dão certo.
Estou completamente apaixonada por esta banda. Já gostava antes, mas agora comecei a descobrir outras coisas e é muito melhor do que imaginava...

The Wallflowers - I Wish I Felt Nothing

You say when you're alone
It's better 'cause nobody knows you
When no one's your friend
It's better 'cause nobody leaves you

So you turned your back
On a world that you could never have
'Cause your heart's been cracked
And everyone else's is goin' mad

But I hear voices
And I see colors
But I wish I felt nothing
Then it might be easy for me
Like it is for you

Now all of these people
Come up from deep holes
Pullin' you down
And it's just no use
When all the abuse follows you 'round

By the morning you'd gone
Leavin' me here all alone
Sayin' it's no mystery
I know that nobody here needs me

But I hear voices
And I see colors
But I wish I felt nothing
Then it might be easy for me
Like it is for you

And I know you believe that you and me
don't belong here
And the worst we could do
Is keep trying to pretend we care

But I hear voices
And I see colors
But I wish I felt nothing
Then it might be easy for me
Like it is for you
Like it is for you,
Like it is for you.